Find Hope

Methhead who wanted to die, but my boyfriend’s Mom wouldn’t let me.


I remember begging her; “Just let me die. Just let me die. I mean, just leave me alone and let me die.” Praise God! She told me; “I can’t do that.”

Met my Dad when I was eight.


"So, by eighteen I was addicted to meth."

Not Ashamed to be a janitor.


I’m cool with being a janitor right now. I don’t know about the rest of my life.

Running the L.A. Dodgers means nothing if my son is dead.

Kevin Malone

"I had a team to help win a championship. I felt like there were more important things, unfortunately [than my son]. When I say that now, it makes me sick to my stomach."

Healed from the secret life that started at age 13 .


"I would take off and stay gone for days."

Marriage saved despite my affairs.


"So, here I am three affairs in three months and I was at the lowest place in my life that I had ever been, ever."

Found freedom in prison.


"Don't pray that I come home real soon because if I come home real soon I'm gonna mess up again real big."

This amputee mows fields and rides horses.


"The reason for the Amputee Ministry that we've started is that we had to go through it by ourselves. Nobody was there to help us out."

This abused immigrant found hope.


I couldn’t understand, from the civil war and being exposed to dead bodies, abuse, and suffering, from being in shelters and then coming to America thinking “finally”.

Loving parents were part of my addiction recovery.

Chad Mattson

"The problem was that I believed in Jesus absolutely. I just didn't know Jesus."