Find Hope

Chased by a narcotics agent. Caught by God.

Bob Lubell

"I got into buying drugs from the mafia in New York and selling drugs on college campuses. Just raising all the hell that I could at a young age."

How could someone like me marry a virgin?


I’ve never in my life felt so wanted and so and so needed and so desirable.

Got involved in drugs and lost custody of my son.

Wendy C

I was a meth addict for ten years. I lost my first marriage due to the drugs. I said I would never get back in another relationship like that but I jumped right into another relationship with a man. It was even worse than my ...

A prostitute for years when I met my husband.


My husband helped me a lot. He cried. He prayed. When I would go back out and do wrong again he would come looking for me. He would forgive me.

After twenty jail terms, now able to be with my kids.


We got busted three times within three weeks. The last time we got busted was with felony possession. I was sentenced to eight years in prison.

Asked God to kill my husband.


By the time I was nineteen, I was extremely bitter, angry, volatile … violent. I had become a kleptomaniac I was addicted to stealing everything around me. I was heavily on drugs and had really pushed everybody out of ...

Former racist and Black Panther.


When I was about twelve or thirteen years old I heard my grandfather say, “The only good white man is a dead one.”

From home invasions and gangs to a solid citizen.

Johnny M.

Johnny's Family disowned him. He felt "snakes" enter his stomach after hooking up with the 666 tattoo woman. The jail preacher, unaware, pointed at his stomach. "You are released from that curse!" he said. Johnny could finall...

Shoot out with the police


We were in a chase, and the police shot into a truck I was in. So called Witnesses “saw” me hanging out the window shooting at the police. None of that was the truth. We had shot at a stop sign. We had been on a beer run, and...

The arrest on my way to becoming a call girl led to salvation.


I had never prostituted before and I was going to go down there for the first time and do it.