Find Hope

Prayed to Satan, God, Buddha—whoever.

Jim G

I just said; ” Look (in my mind) God, Buddah? I don’t know who you are. I just want to know the truth. Everybody can’t be right.........But I think if you’re God, you ought to be able to answer me right now.”

I was shocked. They were genuine.


"I wanted to be liked, so I wanted to do whatever was necessary to be liked, to be accepted, to be popular."

Declared dead on arrival.


My Mother refused to make funeral arrangements. She decided she was going to go and pray.......I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for a praying Mama. Thank God for praying Mama’s.

A Buddhist for 25 years until I had a vision of Jesus.


"I looked up at the altar and Jesus came out of that altar. He walked right out. I knew it was Him."

Why did God let the love of my life die?

Danny Gokey

But I couldn’t escape the idea that suicide would be a good escape. It was like I was holding on the casket of my wife, and as morbid as it sounds was like I was being buried. I remember picturing myself breaking my grip with...

God cared about my piercings.


She noticed the holes in my face. She was like; “Oh, you’ve got a lip ring?” I said; “Yeah, I had to take them out to get a job, you know, working for the man.”

Prisionero político en el campo de refugiados.


I had a little New Testament that I used to bury in the ground. That was the only thing I had to read and I didn’t want them to take it from me.

Political prisoner in refugee camp.


I had a little New Testament that I used to bury in the ground. That was the only thing I had to read and I didn’t want them to take it from me.

I shut down my yoga commune.

Mike S

They had read an article in the Tampa Tribune newspaper about my Yoga classes at four universities. They knew I was a seeker of truth, hungry for reality.

When I confessed I was a faker, the church accepted me with love.


"I was so afraid that they were going to be mad at me because I had been lying to them all this time."