Find Hope

Life was perfect. Then Mom died.


I am a women’s Teacher/Counselor at Teen Challenge, a Christian discipleship program for people with drug and alcohol addictions. I grew up in a Christian home. I had a wonderful family. I grew up going to church, so I knew w...

Forgave Dad for killing Mom.


My father took a baseball bat from the corner of the room and started beating my mother over the head, face, and upper body. The darkest day of my life was the day they lowered her body into the ground.

How could someone like me marry a virgin?


I’ve never in my life felt so wanted and so and so needed and so desirable.

Survived grenade and bullet wounds, but not the nightmares.


I had twenty-seven operations and four plastic surgery operations. When I got out of the hospital nine months later I looked okay on the outside; but inside I was still wounded.

Mom was dying. I took her prescription pain pills.


Then I actually started dating a boy who used them recreationally. It led me to use them more and more, which led to a path of just, it led to addiction. I started to become dependent on them.

Why did God let the love of my life die?

Danny Gokey

But I couldn’t escape the idea that suicide would be a good escape. It was like I was holding on the casket of my wife, and as morbid as it sounds was like I was being buried. I remember picturing myself breaking my grip with...

God’s love helped me overcome the death of twin grandsons.


I just started squalling and laughing and carrying on like a crazy woman. It was like a bolt of lightening hit me in the head.

Is my fiancé still alive?


I was going to ask her to marry me that night. I didn’t, but I know that she knows. I know she knew I was going to ask her to marry me. One of my regrets is that I wish I had asked her that night.

I was intoxicated at the wheel and my son died.


It was eleven o'clock in the morning, and my blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit for the State of Tennessee. My ten-year-old daughter was in the front with me, and she escaped serious physical injury, but her emotio...

My son with cerebral palsy had no hope until the missionary arrived.


We tried everything possible to make his life normal. He studied in a very good school. He tried to study hard and behave very well. Nevertheless, society had a hard time accepting him.