Find Hope

First child at 13, then prison, then a city leader.


That little spark started from there and then I said; “I’m just going to run for office.”

Falsely imprisoned for murder, but I stuck to the truth.


"He’s freed me from drug addiction. He’s freed me from suicide. He’s restored my life completely."

So this lady asks to hold my hands and pray in the parking lot.

Eric M.

"That just gave me a front row seat to one of God’s miracles."

My Rock-n-Roll Dreams Turned to Worship.

Zach Williams

"Things started changing in my life but I still wasn’t ready to quit doing the band thing."

The dangerous walk of faith.

John B.

"From that time on I realized that you never know. The next time that you get off the airplane walking through the airport, you may be killed."

From Vice President to a much higher position.

Bernie Miller

The guy looked across at me and said, “You are arrogant. You need some humility. I am going to give you some. You’re fired.”

Chased a girl into a strange spiritual situation.


When I got up after he prayed for me it was like I had gotten a shower on the inside and I was now clean.

Jewish Israeli Psychologist finds Jesus

Dr. Erez Soref

"We refer to this phenomenon as Jesus being the best-kept secret among the Jewish people."

I Thought I was Religious but found a relationship with Christ through my brother.


"He came back so transformed I didn’t even recognize him."

Face to face with the Vietnamese officer who killed my friends.


"Vietnam was the one place in the world that I never ever wanted to go back to."