Find Hope
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Got high in the church bathroom, but now a missionary.


"The truth is, I can walk through that church that I grew up in with my head held high because I know that my God has changed me."

Mom was dying. I took her prescription pain pills.


Then I actually started dating a boy who used them recreationally. It led me to use them more and more, which led to a path of just, it led to addiction. I started to become dependent on them.

Parked each morning outside the liquor store.


So, my two year old, at one point, brought me a bottle of vodka. He said; “Here’s your drinking bottle mommy.”

Forgave my stepfather who abused me.


Reality is being so angry at your Mom for doing drugs but then a month later you're doing them with her.

Just wanted to end it all.


Do you want to know what reality is?

Followed my comedian dad toward death by drugs.


The times I would overdose, and go to the emergency room the doctors would say, “Do you have a death wish?”

Prayed to Satan, God, Buddha—whoever.

Jim G

I just said; ” Look (in my mind) God, Buddah? I don’t know who you are. I just want to know the truth. Everybody can’t be right.........But I think if you’re God, you ought to be able to answer me right now.”

Survived grenade and bullet wounds, but not the nightmares.


I had twenty-seven operations and four plastic surgery operations. When I got out of the hospital nine months later I looked okay on the outside; but inside I was still wounded.

He was 60. I was 14.


"I started to understand that was the void I was trying to fill is that I didn’t have Him in my life."

After twenty jail terms, now able to be with my kids.


We got busted three times within three weeks. The last time we got busted was with felony possession. I was sentenced to eight years in prison.

1 to 10 of 21 results.